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Book of the month club – The first four chapters of the New Testament Matt., Mark, Luke, and John have been chosen for our book of the month club reading. Below is a summary of all four chapters. We also here at Active Mind Body and Soul, encourage you to make comments each day in our blog section. as we move closer to a pure and holy society. For He who is renewed in the Spirit, will allow divine beauty and celestial light to shine through the Mind. The Reading of Gods word is fundamental to our salvation
. Acts 4:12 tells us Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” because only through God who is the Word can we receive eternal life in Gods pure and holy society. No book of history and facts can compare to the bible.
Which proves that there is a God that created all things including each of us. Most important, in John 1:1 John states: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
We must never forget that the Word of God is infallible. There is no error in God’s Word. The law of the Lord is perfect concerning our soul. It contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. That is why the Bible was given to us. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Active Mind Body And Soul will try and bring the basic fundamentals of one’s knowledge into harmony with the precepts of the word of truth, as we study Gods word each day.
Gospel of Matthew: A Biblical History
The Gospel of Matthew is one of four gospels in the Holy Bible and the first book in chronological order presented in the New Testament of the Bible. Matthew was one of the 12 apostles that were with Jesus Christ throughout His public ministry on earth. The consensus among conservative scholars is that this book in the Bible was written between 50 and 70 A.D. Matthew was a Jewish tax collector that left his profession to follow the Lord. Matthew gives a personal witness account of many miracles that Jesus performed prior to being crucified on a Roman cross. The purpose of this book is to prove to readers that Jesus is the true Messiah that was prophesized in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is an artistically written book and proves to be consistent with the other three gospels in the Bible; Mark, Luke and John regarding the historical events that occurred during the life of Jesus on earth. With 28 chapters, it is the longest Gospel of the four.
Gospel of Matthew: The Outline and Structure
This Gospel of Matthew is divided into eight sections that describe different parts of Jesus’ life. It begins with the Genealogy of Jesus that establishes and proves that He was a descendant of King David. This fact is important because it is consistent with the Old Testament description of the Messiah. The first section also describes the miracle birth story of Jesus. The second section of the Gospel records the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. It also describes in detail the baptism of Jesus and His temptation by Satan in the desert. After 40 days and nights of fasting Jesus resisted all temptation. The next section beginning in the middle of chapter 4 through the middle of chapter 14 covers accounts of the ministry of Jesus while in Galilee. During this time, He commissions the 12 Apostles, preaches The Beatitudes, performs miracles and teaches many lessons on very important subjects including; adultery, divorce, giving, prayer, judging, worry, treasures in Heaven and warnings to people. Also, in chapter 13, Jesus begins teaching in parables to provide examples to His lessons. Jesus withdraws from Galilee in section four and performs the miracle of feeding five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14:17). He also walks on water (Matthew 14:25). Chapter 17 describes the transfiguration that was witnessed by three disciples, John, Peter and James (Matthew 17:1). Section six indicates the return of Jesus to Galilee and the prediction of His death. The seventh section beginning in chapter 21 marks the triumphal entry by Jesus into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and ends in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus on the cross as a sacrifice for all the sin in the world. The eighth and last section, describes the events of the resurrection and Jesus defeating death.
Gospel of Mark: A Biblical History
The Gospel of Mark is one of four gospels in the Holy Bible and is the second book in chronological order presented in the New Testament. Mark (John Mark was his full name) was an associate with Simon Peter, one of the 12 apostles that followed Jesus Christ throughout His public ministry on earth. Peter was the name given to Simon by Jesus Christ personally (Mark 3:16). He was very close to Jesus and after the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, Peter was one of the founders of the early Christian church. Although the book was written by Mark, the facts contained in it are thought to be the accounts of Peter during his ministry with Jesus. The consensus among scholars is that the book of Mark was written between 50 and 60 A.D. The author is referenced several times in the New Testament starting in the book of Acts, chapters 12 and 13, in Colossians 4:10, and finally in 2 Timothy 4:11. The book of Mark was probably written in Italy, and perhaps even Rome. This book has 16 chapters and is the shortest book of the four gospels. However, the details of the events and miracles of Jesus in this book are consistent with the other three gospels; Matthew, Luke and John.
Gospel of Mark: The Outline and Structure
The Gospel of Mark is organized into seven sections that describe the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The first chapter begins with a quotation from Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet, and John the Baptist, who prophesied the coming of the Messiah. This chapter also details the baptism and the temptation of Jesus. The beginning of the second section of the book describes when Jesus calls Simon Peter and his brother Andrew to follow Him for ministry along with the other ten disciples (Mark 1:14-20). Jesus starts performing miracles during this section of the book (See Mark 1:21) known as His Galilean Ministry through verse 6:29. Section three depicts the withdrawal from Galilee by Jesus and His disciples and the miracle of feeding five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:37-44). This chapter also describes the miracle of Jesus walking on water (Mark 6:49), Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah (Mark 8:29), and the transfiguration (Mark 9:2-5). In the last portion of this section Jesus predicts His death and resurrection (Mark 9:32). Section four, beginning with verse 9:33, covers the period when Jesus goes to Capernaum and preaches to His disciples about who is the greatest (Mark 9:36) and other subjects. Jesus then goes to Judea in section five, starting in Chapter 10. There, He teaches on many subjects, performs the miracle of restoring sight to a blind man that shows faith (Mark 10:52) and again predicts His death and resurrection to His disciples (Mark 10:33, 34). Chapters 11 through 15 start with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a colt (Mark 11:1-11:11). In Jerusalem, Jesus teaches many lessons through answering questions, telling parables and gives warnings to people. The Lord’s Supper is recounted in verses 14:17-26. Jesus is then arrested, tried and crucified on the cross. The last section of Mark details the account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb.
Gospel of Luke: A Biblical History
The Gospel of Luke is one of four Gospels in the Holy Bible and is the third book presented in the New Testament. The author of this Gospel, Luke, was an associate of the Apostle Paul and also the author of the book of Acts. Acts is the first book to follow the four Gospels in the Bible. Luke was a doctor and probably well educated according to the style of writing and structure of his text. The Gospel of Luke is specifically addressed to an individual named Theophilus and is focused on the complete story and history of Jesus Christ from His birth and ministry to His crucifixion and resurrection. Luke’s Gospel focuses on Christ’s teachings about salvation and Christ’s fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the coming Messiah. It includes the beautiful birth story of the baby Jesus and the miracle conception by God. Bible scholars generally agree that the Gospel of Luke was written between 59 and 70 A.D. The author is referenced in Colossians 4:14 by the Apostle Paul.
Gospel of Luke: The Outline and Structure
The Gospel of Luke is organized into eight primary sections that describe the life, ministry and miracles of Jesus Christ. This Gospel is filled with details about history and surrounding events of the times. It is careful to include details about the political culture and the families surrounding Jesus during His earthly life. The first section begins with an introduction that explains the purpose of this Gospel from the writer. The second section, beginning in the fifth verse of Chapter One, describes the events surrounding the coming of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. This section describes the birth of Jesus and some events of His childhood. The first quote of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke appears in the second chapter, verse 49. The third section details the events leading to the public ministry of Jesus, including His baptism (Luke 3:21, 22) and His temptation (Luke 4:1-13). The next four chapters comprise the fourth section of Luke’s Gospel, including the beginning of Christ’s ministry, choosing His 12 Apostles (Luke 6:12-16), and performing miracles (Luke 4:35, 4:39, 5:13). Throughout these chapters, Jesus displayed many powers that validated His authority given to Him by God, including the authority to forgive sins (Luke 5:20, 7:48), the authority to know our thoughts (Luke 5:22), the authority to heal people (Luke 6:8), the authority to bring peace to people (Luke 7:50), and the authority over nature by calming a storm (Luke 8:24). This section also describes many lessons and teachings of Jesus that are principles for living according to God’s way of life.
The fifth section of Luke’s Gospel begins with Chapter 9, verse 10, where Jesus performs the miracle of feeding five thousand people with five loafs of bread and two fish (Luke 9:10-17). The Apostle Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ (also known as the Messiah) (Luke 9:20). In verses 9:28-34, the transfiguration is described in detail. The beginning of the sixth section outlines the ministry of Jesus in Judea starting in Chapter 9, verse 51. Jesus gives His followers instructions on how to help others through discipleship (Luke 10:1-17); Jesus teaches us how to pray effectively to God (Luke 11:2-4); Jesus warns people how not to act, including being hypocritical and judgmental (Luke 11:37-52); Jesus tells His followers not to worry about common concerns in life, but to trust God (Luke 12:22-34); and Jesus gives people a stern warning that we must repent (change from sinful ways) or perish (Luke 13:1-5). The seventh section of the Gospel of Luke runs from Chapter 13:22 through Chapter 19:22 and describes many teachings and miracles of Jesus. Jesus almost exclusively uses parables to give lessons about living. The eighth and last section of this Gospel describes the important details about the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus again shows His authority by knowing everything around Him (Luke 19:30). Jesus gives many final instructions about how to live (Luke 21:19,34) and how to rely on God (Luke 22:40, 46). He again confirms His authority as the Son of God (Luke 22:70). Finally, Chapter 24 details the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension to heaven.
Gospel of John: A Biblical History
The Gospel of John is one of four gospels in the Holy Bible and is the fourth book in chronological order presented in the New Testament. The Gospel of John is a unique perspective of the life of Jesus Christ. It varies from the other three gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (also known as the synoptic gospels), by focusing more on spiritual themes rather than historical events. The author of this gospel was the disciple John, one of the twelve disciples that followed Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. The author identifies himself in the last chapter of the gospel: “This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true” (John 21:24). John was also known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (see John 13:23, 19:26, and 21:7.). Perhaps this explains the uniqueness of John’s record of the life of Jesus. The book is filled with first hand accounts of experiences with Jesus Christ that occurred during Christ’s 33 years of life on earth. Scholars generally accept that the Gospel of John was written between 50 and 85 A.D.
Gospel of John: The Outline and Structure
The Gospel of John is organized into 21 chapters. The book begins with a foundational truth from God with a poetic style of presentation. “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1-2). The accounts of Christ’s life begin in chapter one with John the Baptist confirming prophecy and identifying Jesus as “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). In the first chapter, Jesus also calls His first disciples to follow Him.
In the second chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus performs His first miracle by changing water into wine. In John 2:19, He also predicts His resurrection after three days. Chapter 3 contains two of the most popular verses in the entire Bible, John 3:16 & 17, which summarize the significance of Jesus Christ and His purpose for the world. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.””
The rest of the book contains vivid lessons and instructions from Jesus Christ on how to live according to God’s will and what priorities are important in life. Jesus used many parables to teach people effectively. For example, in chapter 15, Jesus explains the significance of having a relationship with Him and the true difference that it can make in life. He describes Himself as the vine and His disciples as the branches that sprout from the vine. He describes God as the gardener that prunes the vine to maximize the harvest. There are many other illustrations from Jesus spoken through parables in the Gospel of John.
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