Your Daily Climb | A Daily Devotional

December 15, 2020 By Michael Paschal Leave a Comment
Dec 15, 2020 MY FRIENDS, WHO ARE WE ALLOWING TO DEFINE OUR DESTINY? Satan forever the strategist, knows his days are numbered so he does everything he can to keep God’s people from responding to a total commitment to thus saith the Lord as he defines our destiny as, “he disguises temptation and sin by […]
20,000 lbs. Challenge

20,000 Pound Weight Loss Challenge
Our 20,000 pound challenge enables you to maintain a healthy and proper lifestyle through a daily challenge. Our site will post a cumulative monthly weight loss total of all participants. You will be able to see the collective weight loss of our Active Community while calculating and maintaining your personal weight loss challenge. Endurance In any contest, the important factor is not how … read more...
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