Archives for December 2013


Dec 11, 2013


David&GoliathSaul and the men of Israel were allowing the Philistine army and there champion Goliath to DEFINE WHO THEY WERE, as he challenged them with the words “I DEFY THE ARMIES OF ISRAEL. And cursed them with his gods.”

But David a man after “God’s on heart” knew he could not let this uncircumcised Philistines DEFINE Israel and THERE God. For who is this philistine David ask “that he should defy THE ARMIES OF THE LIVING GOD” I WILL DEFINE WHO WE ARE, AS GOD”S CHOSEN.

“You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,” whom you have TRIED TO DEFINE. “This day THE LORD WILL DELIVER YOU INTO MY HAND.

My friends as God’s chosen this is how you DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. Job’s wife tried to DEFINE HIM when she said to him, “Doimgres you still hold fast your integrity? CURSE GOD and die!” Job 2:9 But job DEFINED WHO HE WAS when He told her in verse 10 Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips BUT AS GOD”S CHOSEN HE DEFINED WHO HE WAS.

In 1 Kings 18 Elijah did not allow Ahab, Jezebel, or the priest of Baal TO DEFINE WHO HE WAS as he stood in the presence of Ahab the king of Israel, while at the same time conscious of the presence of God.

So he had faith in what his God would do, and did Do, Because everyone at that point even Israel felt that the God of 3733835_f496Israel was dead or was no longer among them, but for Elijah the God of His strength DEFINED HIM, in 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Elijah had a purpose in mind the purpose was that everyone might KNOW THAT GOD DEFINED HIM AND HE WILL ALSO DO THE SAME FOR each of us IF WE HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE.

My friends as we travel this Journey God has placed us on do we allow the world to DEFINE US because we are not UNIQUE, we blend in with the crowd because our CHARACTER is so much like the world in the things we do and say.

When we go to work or talk to our friends who do not know God as we do. Can romans12_2we describe as much, or more about the latest episode of SCANDAL, HOUSE WIFE”S OF ATLANTA, or NCIS as they can. For Paul tells us in Eph. 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

My friends that tells me as GOD”S CHOSEN we REPRESENT THE LINING GOD, not the god of this world. Peter also tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 “you are a CHOSEN RACE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, a people for HIS OWN POSSESSION, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

But how can we proclaim God if we are no different then the world in what we do and how we act. My friends the world can DEFINE YOU if you are not DEFINING WHO YOU ARE THROUGH GOD, yes my friends WE HAVE TO DEFINE THIS JOURNEY GOD HAS PLACED US ON, IN HOW WE LIVE OUR LIFE EACH DAY, THROUGH HIM, and at the same time spread the good news of the gospel and Christ soon return.

mind-of-christ-graphic2And this can only be done if OUR CHARACTER is UNIQUELY DIFFERENT from the world. “And not conformed to this world, but  transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2.

My friends our FOCUS must remain on OUR GOAL and that is to get to THE PROMISE LAND. But once again we must have THE SAME PASSION for the Journey, and finishing it, that we have for what we anticipate in all God has planned for us once we get there. SO AS GOD”S CHOSEN, DEFINE WHO YOU ARE THROUGH CHRIST, AND DON’T ALLOW THE WORLD TO DO SO FOR YOU.


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY





Dec. 10,2013



SATANISTS SEEKS SPOT NEXT TO TEN COMMANDMENTS  MONUMENT ON STEPS OF OKLAHOMA’S STATEHOUSE.  Today’s headlines from the Associated press “You said in your heart, ‘I will go up to heaven I’ll raise my throne above the stars of God. I’ll sit as king on the mountain where the gods meet. I’ll set up my throne on the highest slopes of the sacred mountain. I will rise above the tops of the clouds. I’ll make myself like the Most High God.’ Is.14:13-14

My friends let’s focus on prophecy today. I will interpret it from History and God’s word, but you must develop a PASSION to search the scriptures yourself, while determining what part God’s chosen plays into HISTORY, and PROPHECY on our Journey to the PROMISE LAND.

First let’s go to Genesis 3:15 since we already know how this conflict will end “and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Gen. 3:15  This is our FIRST PROPHECY (Jesus will, and has defeated Satan). God PROPHESIES Satan would wound the MESSIAH (you shall bruise His heel) which Satan managed to do on Calvary but Christ was the CONQUEROR, but the MESSIAH would crush SATAN with a FATAL BLOW TO THE HEAD (He shall bruise your head) My friends, the war was won on CALVARY, AND ONE DAY SATAN WILL BE DESTROYED.

1.   DANIEL PREDICTS PROPHECY: Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great daniel-2-imageimage…..This image’s head was of fine gold,(BABYLON 605 BC-539) his breast and his arms of silver,(MEDO—PERSIAN 539 BC-331) his belly and his thighs of brass,(GRECIA 331 BC-168) His legs of iron,(ROME 168 BC-476 AD) his feet part of iron and part of clay.(DIVIDED NATIONS OF WESTERN EUROPE 476 AD-You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them..Daniel 2:31-35

2.   THE BIRTH OF CHRIST: (Between 5-2 AD) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel. Isaiah 7:14

url3.   DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: (31 AD)“For dogs have compassed me: A company of evil-doers have enclosed me; they pierced my hands and my feet. I may count all my bones; they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and upon my vesture do they cast lots.” Psalm 22:16-18“But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself.” Psalm 49:15

4. DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM: “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Matthew 24:2, 16 The Siege of Jerusalem in the year 70 AD was the decisive event of the First Jewish-Roman War. The Roman army, led by the future Emperor Titus.

5.   A GREAT PERSECUTION or TRIBULATION “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world.” Matthew 24:21. “…they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake… This prophecy imgrespoints primarily to the long period of tribulation that took place during the Dark Ages and was instigated by the apostate church. It lasted more than 1,000 years, multitudes were tortured, burned at the stake, or both. Over 50 million Christians were slain for their faith in this terrible TRIBULATION period.

“There was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE; and the SUN became BLACK AS SACKCLOTH OF HAIR, and the moon become as BLOOD.” Revelation 6:12

“The SUN shall be turned into DARKNESS, and the MOON into BLOOD, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.” Joel 2:31

images“And the STARS shall FALL FROM HEAVEN.” Matthew 24:29  “The STARS of HEAVEN FELL unto the EARTH, even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.” Rev. 6:13




STARS FALL FROM HEAVEN: (November 13, 1833)

My friends I suggest you research, what I have presented to you today, and in your own mind decide where we are imagestoday in Prophecy. for Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.” But “ The time will come when God’s redeemed will all come home again. They shall come with singing to Jerusalem, filled with joy and everlasting gladness; sorrow and mourning will all disappear.” Isaiah 51:11


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




Dec. 9, 2013


space249-galaxy_68416_600x450My Friends Today take all of your FOCUS BEYOND any galaxy that the human mind could ever conceive existed, or will ever exist, BEYOND ALL BOUNDARIES OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE, and once you have allowed this to happen, I need you to develop a PASSION FROM WITHIN  THAT TAKES  YOU TO THE THRONE ROOM, IN THE PRESENCE OF “OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN”

But my Friends this must not only be a dream, or a hope for us, but each day we must develop a PASSION to seek our Savior wherever we can find Him. Maybe in the THRONE ROOM, or in a closet, or maybe behind a tree in our back yard, or maybe just laying across our bed with our eyes closed in silent ADORATION and EXALTATION to the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS.



Yes my friends I want you to acquire a deep heartfelt PASSION to be in the PRESENCE of GOD along with the heavenly host and all the angels singing HOLY, HOLY, HOLY OH GOD ALMIGHTY! And as you develop a PASSION to be in the PRESENCE of GOD, I need you to also develop this same PASSION for the Journey you are own to get there.

Remember God has chosen this generation as central participants IN THE CONTROVERSY between good and evil. So our battle scares must produce a PASSION for the battle, along with a feeling, and a determination which can only be defined by our actions.

Paul tells us in Gal. 5:24 “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucifiedimages THE FLESH with its passions and desires.” Now Paul is speaking of another type of PASSION that we crave through the influence of Satan, and with that type of PASSION your desire is only for a PASSION for the things of this world.

But my friends you cannot have two central PASSIONS “Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” So if you have a PASSION for the things of this world then your prayers are NOT SINCERE, the study of Gods Word is FUTILE, and spreading the good news of the gospel will be BOTHERSOME.

So until we desire the PASSION of God’s Spirit to transform our lives as we die to self each day, we will continue to live with the PASSION that only leads to PERDITION.

“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate…For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, IN MY FLESH. I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do…..” Romans 7:15-20

So if Satan can instill this type of PASSION in us, then we must have a contrasting PASSION which comes from a God imgreswith a PASSION, to give “His only begotten Son” to die for our sins, and a Son who took on the PASSION OF THE CROSS for our SALVATION.

So our goal today must be to die to the PASSION that Satan offers, and too be alive in the PASSION of God’s PRESENCE a process that we can’t obtain overnight but a process of continuous FAITH, ENDURANCE, and the STUDY OF GOD”S WORD.

My friends the world is deteriorating before our very eyes. The battle is now over our Character, but only you can decide the outcome for your soul, because the war is won, Christ will soon come to take those with the PASSION OF THE CROSS to go back with Him so “choose you this day whom you will have a PASSION FOR ; whether the gods in whose land ye now dwell that one day will be destroyed: or will you have the PASSION FOR THE TRUE GOD THAT STRETCHES BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ALL THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM, AND THROUGHOUT ETERNITY!!!!!


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY





Dec. 8, 2013


I HAVE FIXED MY MIND ON ANOTHER TIME, and here I mean to stand until God gives me more light, and that is Today, TODAY, and TODAY, until He comes, and I see Him FOR WHOM MY SOUL YEARNS. (William Miller)


praiseFOR WHOM MY SOUL YEARNS How sweet the sound “I HAVE FIXED MY MIND ON ANOTHER TIME” that tells me that I have completely left the cares of this world, all in the hands of my Savior Who has taken on that responsibility as the psalmist tells us in Psalm 55:22 to “Cast our cares on the LORD and he will sustain us; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

Now my friends the key words here I need you to focus on is HE WILL NEVER LET THE RIGHTEOUS BE SHAKEN and as a child of God “The righteous are His faithful who “live by faith.” And of course “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Righteousness, faith, and knowing God’s Word, each essential to the life expectancy of the other. So if we take one of those elements out it would be a real catastrophe. Mark 4:19 tells us “But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the WORD, making it unfruitful.”

So my friends this lets me know before I CAN FIX MY MIND ON ANOTHER TIME we must dissociate ourselves from the wpid-hp-mainThings of this world that do not center our attention on Jesus Christ and Him crucified, starting with what we watch on TV, the internet, what we read, and how we spend, and what we spend the resources that God gives us on.

Friends if we are serious about our Salvation there must be a deep PASSION FROM WITHIN, a PASSION for RIGHTEOUSNESS by FAITH, and a PASSION for GOD”S WORD and my friends this PASSION can only come from a transformation from what this world deems as acceptable, too THINGS ABOVE which can only happen through the power of God’s spirit.

Paul tells us “our citizenship is in heaven” So as Christians our minds must stay on things not of this world, as our PASSION stays on what my God has prepared for me. One of His promises comes from John 14:1-4  “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me, In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you……that where I am, there you may be also…..”

“THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO.” Oh what an awesome promise this is why “I HAVE FIXED MY MIND ON ANOTHER TIME” Because God’s promises tells me This world is not my home my friends we are just passing through.

Just-Passing-ThroughAnd as children of  THE KING, we should always feel like aliens, or strangers in a foreign country. The Psalmist tells us in Ps. 119:19  “I am a stranger on earth” But though we travel as temporary residents, we still have a mandate as God’s chosen to tell others of the good news of A NEW HOME for all who believe.

For “Those who accept the teachings of GOD’S WORD will not be wholly ignorant concerning the HEAVENLY ABODE.” (White) And yet, “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9.

“Human language is inadequate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory of the Paradise of God. In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called “a country.” Hebrews 11:14-16. There the heavenly Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters.

God’s people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home. “My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in7_heaven secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” “Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.

“They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; . . . My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.” Isaiah 32:18; 60:18; 65:21, 22. (E.G.White Heaven,Great Controversy) My friends as I look at the world today and what it has to offer me. I FOCUS WITH ALL THE PASSION THAT IS WITHIN ME “TO FIXED MY MIND ON ANOTHER TIME”


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




Dec, 7, 2013


Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believe………

imagesThere was the story of a boy who was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sabbath school that day. The boy describes the story of the Israelites exodus from Egypt, but when he came to the dramatic portion about the crossing of the Red Sea, here is how he told the story:

“Moses took out his walkie-talkie and called in the Israeli Air Force to bomb the Egyptians, while the others built a pontoon bridge to crossover the Red Sea.” The boy’s mother asked, “Is that how they told you the story?” He dropped his head and muttered, “Well, no, Mom, but if I told you the story the way they told it to me, you’d never believe it!”

Most of our sentiments exactly. Whenever we read the Bible, we are suddenly thrust into a world which seems out of touch with the reality of what we as humans consider real or believable. For instance. Let’s take a few stories from the Word of God:

Let’s start from the beginning in Genesis 1:1 where God created the heavens and the earth in seven days. Next let’s go to JesusOnCrossExodus where seas part and  millions of people traveled across on dry land. Now let’s go to the book of 2 Samuel where a teenager kills a giant named Goliath with a slingshot and a stone. But the most Amazing of all the stories in this book we call the holy Word, or Bible is the story about God himself. Who reincarnates His Son into a woman’s body.

His Son than lives a sinless life for thirty thee years and doing this time He performs many miracle, and at the same time He, proclaims the good news of the gospel. But then His on people have Him killed by Crucifixion, but for no other reason then proclaiming the truth that He was the Son of God.

After three days Jesus than raises Himself from the grave, and He does all of this for the sins of everyone who was ever created, and at the same time proclaiming before  the universe that His ways are just, and based on love. And finally if we have faith and believe everything in His Holy Word, one day soon we will go to live with him in a far away place in the sky called heaven for eternity, where sin will no longer exist.

My friends, I just repeated to you, the good news of the gospel, but it is not for the saved Christian. We are beneficiaries of it, but the Gospel is for the lost. the sinner. The adulterous, lying, stealing, gossiping, murderous, covertness, greedy generation who are seeking a sign. In Mathew 12:39 it says An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. My friends history tells us millions of martyrs died for this same gospel some of you are not proclaiming to the world today.

And also My friends most of the  martyrs who died on the guillotines, burned at the stake, and were eaten by lions. were just common, mediocre men, and women like, you and I who experienced the transforming power of the holy Spirit, and just wanted to proclaim what Christ had done, and was doing in there lives as they were

janhus“sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea Heard their despairing cry, From the waters He  lifted them, and Now they can say without a doubt, safe am I. because Love lifted me! When nothing else could help Love lifted me!

My friends what a wonderful message to proclaim as you begin to tell how our loving Savior lifted you up and brought you to Safety in His loving, caring and merciful arms. Friends if you are willing to give it all for the Master the Bible will speak for itself through Gods Spirit. Because there is power in the Word!

1 John 2:14 says I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the Word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. My friends God is seeking FAITHFUL soldiers to proclaim THE AMAZING GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!!! today. But  My friends “I tell you, if you are silent, THE VERY STONES WILL PROCLAIM HIS NAME.”


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY






Dec. 6,2013


bad-company-2-war-zone-1366x768My friends looking over our lives there has been a radical change that has taken place from where we came from to where God has brought us too today, as Heirs to the king. And it is by God’s grace that we remained on this journey with eyes wide open.

And it is probably safe to say most of us have no physical signs that we had been in a war zone, but thank God He went on a “Search and rescue mission,” reached as far into that zone as we had sunk, and saved us from the clutches of the enemy.

And as we look back over our life, so many circumstances, situations, lives lost of those we have loved or been acquainted with. And the question we probably keep asking ourselves is, why was more grace and more time extended to us.

But like Paul God allowed us that Damascus Road experience where “suddenly a22 - Paul on the Road to Damascus light shone around us from heaven.” because our God saw something in us. And I hope like Paul we ask “lord what do You want me to do.” And each day I hope we thank God for that Road we have traveled every since He came into our lives.

Paul had been a Pharisee. He considered himself the most zealous, rigorous and careful of all Pharisees. But God choose and used Paul. because He knew Paul was capable of remaining a faithful servant that would ENDURE no matter what situation he might find himself in, even if that meant his life ending at the guillotine.

Paul tells us in Phil. 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.“ Acts 9:15 tells us The Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.

When you read Paul’s letters, you realize God knew that Paul would be a living instrument to the world, rich, poor, Jew, Gentile and Christian. We also being representatives of Christ are also vessels to all we come in contact with each day.

Let’s look throughout God’s word as we ask ourselves why did God choose these individuals and what was there contribution to the great controversy?  Moses and David were both murderers. Thomas was A doubter, Peter denied Christ, Abraham and Jacob were big time liar’s, Judah was a Whoremonger, James and John were hell raisers, Mark was a scary cat rejected by Paul at one time, who also was a murderer, Noah was a drunk and committed incest with His own. Daughters.

bible-god-quotes-404Remember, God doesn’t require a job interview or a resume from us when He chooses us because He already knows everything about us. Psalm 139:1-24 -41 says “O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.

And He want hire and fire us when we mess up, because He is our father and Shepherd not an overbearing boss. And He doesn’t look at our prophet and loss, only our Gain and how we will give Him the glory and honor once our life has been transformed into the character of Christ.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:4-9 “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved, and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”


Remember my friends the forces of evil looks back over our life and accuses each of God’s chosen of all of our mistakes and tells us we have gone to far to be saved. But my Savior starts at Calvary, and takes us through the trials and tribulation of this life, and places us in His loving arms, and guides and protects each of us daily all the way to his soon appearing when He will say to His Children “Well done, good and faithful servants! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness, in my pure and holy kingdom where I have prepared A banquet table for the redeemed.


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




Dec. 5, 2013


Romans 8:17-19 “and if children, then heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. Future Glory For I consider that the 683342459_UQSBNWJJKBHKXHPsufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.


And with God’s DNA comes the power of the cross through God’s Spirit “So now I realize more than ever the significance of the text “For God so LOVED THE WORLD, yes my friends we are THE WORLD and all of His promises goes to all who believe, “that He gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Now since we know we are a part of this dynasty that will forever reign, there is still that CROSS we must CARRY because “with “GREAT POWER, COMES GREATER RESPONSIBILITY” “But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48

My friends that tells me there is still a REFINING PROCESS, let’s take gold ore for example, it must go through a TRIED gold-tried-in-fireand TRIAL process, a process of REFINING and PURIFYING in order to make the substance a pure product. The first step is to heat the gold or in our Christian Journey, all of our trials of faith as we carry the Cross of our Savior which PURIFIES us for God’s Pure and holy kingdom

“So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your soul” 1 Peter 1:7-9

for “I will turn My hand against you, And thoroughly purge away your dross, And take away all your alloy.” Isaiah 1:25 My friends I have now placed a road-map before you there is no SHORT CUTS to the kingdom “for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

And once again along with God’s DNA that we are seeking, comes the RESPONSIBILITY of showing THE SAME love that has been bestowed upon us, and that my friends is CARRYING THE CROSS OUR SAVIOR CARRIED on this journey we are now on.

But as we look at the world today we can see we are at the THRESHOLD of our Saviors return. The REFINING PROCESS has already started  to take place. ARE WE PREPARED MY FRIENDS TO ENDURE TILL THE END, do we turn off our TV’S and take every precious moment that we have left in SEARCHING the SCRIPTURES and preparing our MIND AND BODY For “great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever come away76shall be…” Matt. 24:21-22

My friends Have we taken our Faith to the next level, do we seek with heartfelt prayer, daily the OUTPOURING OF THE FORMER AND LATTER RAIN From Gods Holy Spirit. Our Savior tells us “Blessed are the PURE IN HEART: for they shall see God.” Matt 5:8  My friends It does not say in the Prospector or refining and purging stages it says THE PURE IN HEART, That tells me we have been TRIED, TESTED and REFINED, and are ready for Gods Kingdom.

GRACE, is still with us my friends “If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” 2 Timothy 2:21  Strengthen, your faith my friends “FOR THE CREATION WAITS WITH EAGER LONGING FOR THE REVEALING OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD”


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY






Dec. 4, 2013


“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).

TRUST: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing;

FAITH: confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another’s ability.

6a00d8341c500653ef0148c74239c6970cA television program preceding the 1988 Winter Olympics featured blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing, impossible as that sounds. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make right and left turns. When that was mastered, they were taken to the slalom slope, where their sighted partners skied beside them shouting, “Left!” and “Right!” As they obeyed the commands, they were able to negotiate the course and cross the finish line, depending solely on the sighted skiers’ word. It was either complete trust or catastrophe.

TRUST and FAITH are identical twins, both demanding a attitude of total confidence, and mental fortitude in what an unseen being that we as Christians call God can do and will do for us in all situations and circumstances. BUT IF, two words spoken by the three Hebrews who were facing annihilation in a fiery furnace. BUT IF, he doesn’t grant my request that is all right also because whatever He does, my trust in Him, and what he did for me on Calvary tells me it is all for His glory and honor, and my Salvation.

I can recall the popular song we all probably sung when we were kids growing up “TRUST and OBEY. But we never can prove the delights of His love, UNTIL ALL ON THE ALTAR WE LAY; for the favor He shows, And the joy He bestows Are for them who will TRUST and OBEY.

What a beautiful concept UNTIL ALL ON THE ALTAR WE LAY in other words isaac-sacrificethere can be no uncertainty or uneasiness about what God can do for us, so we LAY it all before Him, totally depending on the GOOD SHEPARD’S guidance. Like Abraham when asked by God to sacrifice His Son. for Christ tells us in John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.”

But my friends you will never know Christ if you don’t spend time with Him, if you don’t seek His presence as you allow His presence to become a passion you seek daily, until you can personally see the scares in his hands that will forever be a reminder to the redeemed of what he did for our salvation.

But Like the blind skiers, if we don’t become familiar with the voice of  the Good Shepherd who leads us along this Journey we are on today, then it will be a complete CATASTROPHE. I was reading an article about a man who was praying, and what he said struck at the heart of where we need to be at today in our walk with Christ his words were.

“OH LORD I  CAN TRUST THE MAN WHO DIED FOR ME” My friends I can never stop impressing the importance of study, prayer, focus, faith, trust, love, and endurance in my devotionals for we can never please God no mater how Take My Handhard we try if we don’t  “LAY IT ALL ON THE ALTAR TO THE  MAN WHO DIED FOR US.” For “Those who trust in the Lord Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (Psalm 125:1)

That is why we must place our trust only on the solid rock, and foundation of Jesus Christ simply because He does not Change. Soon my friends everyone in this world would have heard the good news of the gospel, all of prophecy would have been fulfilled. And only if we have spent time with Christ, And know and trust His voice, will we here him say. “Babylon is falling” “Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.”


My friends Christ still extends His grace to you today. Like Peter who saw the Master walking on water, said “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You, and Christ did. But when Peter saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  Trust my friends, there can never be any doubt, So today “LAY IT ALL ON THE ALTAR IN FRONT OF THE MAN WHO DIED FOR YOU”. 


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY



Dec. 3, 2013


Psalm 29:10-11 At the Flood the Lord showed his control of all creation. Now he continues to unveil his power. He will give his people strength. He will bless them with peace.


Today let’s become children again, as we experience the 10 Plagues of Egypt, the miraculous parting of the red sea, the Pillars of fire guiding our every footsteps, bread from heaven falling from the sky, bitter water made sweet, and water coming imagesfrom the rocks of a mountain as Moses struck it with his miracle rod.

But this only begins our journey, because we are denied entrance into the promise land because our parents did not have FAITH in the God who had guided their footsteps “THIS FAR”

“As I live,’ says The Lord…. your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness; and of all your number, numbered from twenty years old and upward, who have murmured against Me, not one shall come into the land where I swore that I would make you dwell, except Caleb and Joshua. But your little ones, who you said would become a prey, I will bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised” Numbers 14:28-34

So now it takes Forty years to make an eleven day trip from Egypt to the Promised Land. But once we got “THIS FAR” for the second time around, the journey was worth it as we entered the land of milk and honey. A land we all had lone for since the promise was made to Abraham years before .

My friends now I need you to look at your own journey in life and how long you have been waiting on your promise imagesland experience, while at the same time being tested and tried each day in your own WILDERNESS, AND HIGH MOUNTAINS

But what I need you to focus on today my friends is the two words “THIS FAR.” Yes faith is the bond that holds us, but there also must be a  passion from within that only comes from dying daily in Christ as we  continue “THIS FAR which represents where we came from and where our God has brought us too.

It also tells us that “THIS FAR” is only a yardstick of how far and hard we have come and worked to get to the place we are today, And the many times we have gone around the same mountain, because we have messed up over and over again.

But in spite of our many flaws, our faith has got us “THIS FAR” But my friends their is still work to be done even though “THIS FAR” tells me I have prayed a lot, I have studied the word of God daily, I have fasted, I have visited the sick, and fed the homeless, and I have taken the good news of the gospel to everyone I know and to a world marred in sin.

7_heavenBut because of my passion and love for the one who brought me along this journey “THIS FAR” all the way to the thresholds of the promise land. I will continue to make the rest of this wilderness journey a joy and a pleasure as I praise God’s name with joy and holiness every day of my life, Because I know right after “THIS FAR” “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 1 Thess 4:16-17 which is my eternal destination.

And I must also recognize that I can only be a vital part of this WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE for Christ  if I “walk by faith, and not by sight.” Because to walk by this unseen phenomenon is to have a passion from within that tells me my God will never leave me nor forsake me in this wilderness on my way to the promise land, and the ceaseless ages of eternity.


But my friends we have only come “THIS FAR” by faith, But we still have a few more days in the wilderness So “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because their are still more unseen wildernesses, and High Mountains that lies ahead, But the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” BECAUSE HE HAS GUIDED YOU “THIS FAR”



So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




/crt““`Dec. 2, 2013


“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. Rev. 12:10-11

images“EVEN WHEN FACED WITH DEATH” My friends how do we, like John, who wrote Revelations maintain this type of faith which without it, we miss out on our eternal destination, and God’s pure, and  holy kingdom.

First let’s go to Mark 10:35-38 we have James and John coming before the Lord with a special request…. “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” And Christ response to them was “…..Are you able to DRINK THE CUP THAT I DRINK, or to be BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM with which I am baptized?”

A few chapters before in Mark 8:34-35 He tells them “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

He also knew without a daily walk with God that Satan would sift them like wheat, but he also knew because of there daily walk with Him, where there journey would take them. Just like He knows if we stay focused through our Faith where our journey will take us.

So He tells them in Mark 10:39 That you will indeed drink the CUP THAT I DRINK , and with the BAPTISM I AM urlBAPTIZED with you will be BAPTIZED, because he knew their Faith and where He was leading them.

For in Acts 12:1-2 it tells us “about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. YES HE DID DRINK FROM THAT CUP. And my friends because of His faith, and his daily walk with Chris, was he able to be a Marty for Christ.

And our savior also new what faith it would take for John, who became the disciple of love to DRINK OF THAT SAME CUP as he was sent into exile on the island of Patmos, where he was revealed through God’s Spirit the book of revelation, and our end day prophecy.

Christ knew there faith would grow stronger as they continued to die to self daily while allowing the transforming power of the Spirit to take control of there lives, our Savior also knew what was in front of Him and the faith he would have to exemplify, and the strength and knowledge, in knowing his father would not leave, or forsake him, and what drastic measures Satan would take with all the forces of evil in trying, but failing to defeat our Savior in the great controversy.

imagesToday we must prepare our lives through our faith and God’s Spirit FOR THAT SAME CUP. My friends many times our faith has been tested and we passed. But are we consistent. My friends there is an elimination process going on now, what does Christ see as He comes across our names.

Can He find us searching the scriptures and praying diligently for the outpouring of His Spirit, or does He find us wasting His time in front of the TV or spending His money on everything except what will bring glory and honor to His name in telling a world of the good news of Christ return.

My friends we know how this controversy started and we know how it will end. And some where on this journey we will play a VITAL PART in this conflict, But today God is trying to prepare us to be able to CARRY HIS CROSS and DRINK FROM HIS CUP.

But the question we must ask ourselves, are the things of this world going to allow our mind to be weaken to the point where Satan causes us to loose our faith that we have built on right here at the threshold of our saviors soon return Hosea 4:6 tells us My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee….” My friends Pray that “YOUR CUP RUNNETH OVER”, “for without faith it will be impossible to please God OR TO DRINK FROM OUR SAVIORS CUP.


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY
