“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who is a dealer in search of fine and precious pearls, who, on finding a single pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it. (AMP) As a child of God our attitude should be as that of the merchantman willing to give all we own for our salvation.
Remember he sold EVERYTHING, because He knew that the treasure he had found, far exceeded the value of anything he had in his possession, more then his home, his cars, his clothes. My friends this is how we must view Salvation.
God’s pure and holy kingdom, must become real to us, a passion that transcends any and all commodities that the god of this world places before us. Friends with my limited resources I can only imagine the beauty of the rich and famous and how lavishly they live, from magazines and the internet.
But today my friends, I need you to focus on the kingdom of OUR GOD. His kingdom is priceless, and it far exceeds anything we could ever imagine. A kingdom OUR GOD has prepared for His Faithful Children who WILL ENDURE TILL THE END, and who’s robes have been washed with the blood of Jesus Christ.
For Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NKJV) “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But our Faith must tell us, the things our minds and hearts could ever, and will never, imagine existed in this world we live in, is what OUR GOD has waiting for us if we can just stay focus and give it all to the Master.
And one day soon the limited beauty of this world will not even be a fleeting memory when God opens those pearly gates for us to enter into what he left this world to go and prepare for His children. Once again MY FRIENDS “When you reach that FINAL SUNSET and you look into HIS EYES, will the tears you shed be tears of joy or would they be your last goodbye. It will be a tragedy to get to that day that you waited for all your life, and realize that all you had accumulated and accomplished on this earth “COULD NOT COMPARE TO ETERNAL LIFE” THAT YOU HAVE NOW LOST.”
There will be no second chances no time for you to get it right. Oh the terrible price you would have paid for your Salvation and life eternal. So today my friends we all must be willing if we have decided that nothing can stop us from being one of God’s chosen vessels, that our only desire, is to honor You Lord with all our HEART and SOUL.
Every breath that I take Every moment I’m awake Lord I give to you. To all of God’s Chosen, if we don’t remain focus, in the end, we will be among the many, who are forever seeking that precious pearl that can only come from God. But they will never entirely surrender it all to the Master.
Somehow they will always find ways to stay faithful to the things of this world. They will never allow self to completely die, so that Christ can take full control. Therefore they will never find out the true value and love of a God who gave so much so they could find that precious gift, Salvation. Consistent with this, when we know the value of what we have as heirs to the kingdom of God, We must never keep it hidden BUT LET IT SHINE!!
Spread the good news and tell everyone, I have found A treasure that no man can place a value on, and it is Called JESUS CHRIST and you can also tell the world our God has made a promise to all who stays focused, that one day He will choose those who are poor in the world and rich in faith to be heirs of His kingdom. This my friends He has promised to those who love him and keep His commandments.
So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY
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