March 8, 2017


The two most momentous events in all of prophecy and the history of mankind and most importantly to “God’s chosen thpeople, His royal priesthood,” would be first, God’s only Begotten Son, coming to this earth, to save us from sin and “spiritual ruin.” “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel, [which means God with us.]” Is. 7:14 (KJV)

Second, that event we all should lone for, with a passion which is the second Coming of Christ. My friends, the final prophecies in God’s Word we are witnessing daily through “breaking news” and events that should motivate us to focus and work diligently doing God’s will daily.

My friends, now let’s ask ourselves; Since we are so close to Christ second coming, Is God expecting perfection, “at such a time as this,” a time of technology and information where man even envisions his finite mind creating another human?

And how does one maintain perfection in the midst of a democracy where there is no moral or ethical rules and a blessed-hope-jesus-return-4_n1-300x198culture in which the economic systems, investments, and ownership of manufacturing, production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained by a select few?

And a society that is ruled and controlled by a small minority of the wealthiest? Surely we should be given a pass on maintaining a Character in the image of Christ, at a time when Satan has made that thin line between good and evil so blurred?

Now we must ask, was Christ given a pass, remember, Christ lived during a time when “the deception of sin had reached its height. All the agencies for depraving the souls of men had been put in operation……With pity He saw how men had become victims of satanic cruelty. He looked with compassion upon those who were being corrupted, murdered, and lost.

They had chosen a ruler who chained them to his car as captives. Bewildered and deceived, they were moving on in a gloomy procession toward eternal ruin, to death in which there is no hope of life, toward night to which comes no morning. Satanic agencies were incorporated with men. The bodies of human beings, made for the dwelling place of God, had become the habitation of demons.” (E.G. White, The Desire of Ages, p 36)

My friends God’s only begotten Son set the bar 2000 years ago with a flawless Character, centered around a selfless, 421517_391773197506640_100000218896468_1811150_489442730_nsacrificial, unconditional love that can be duplicated by any created being for “such a time as this” if we believe. This quote I put before you once again, because we all need to put it to memory, as we realize we have no defense for sin.

Yes we all desire heaven, with all our heart and soul and yet we “turn away because of the conditions laid down. Think of what it means to say “No” to Christ.” (E.G. White, Desire of Ages p 523) And think what it means to say to Christ, I am to busy to get with you today, maybe later?

And think what it must mean to the One who died on Calvary for our salvation for us to accept an offer made by Satan that we consider a better alternative then heaven, “all this I will give you he says, if you will only bow down and worship me.”? Matt. 4:9 (NIV) My friends, would you really want a pass after making such a foolish decision.

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