May 27, 2014


The Sermon on the Mount Carl Bloch, 1890Christ earthly ministry was spent in praying, teaching, helping, healing and interacting daily with men and women from every social, educational, and economic class. So like Christ, a child of God must also HAVE A PASSION TO GIVE OUR ALL for the glory and honor of the one who gave it all for us on Calvary.

A passion that controls our mind, body, and most of all our time and resources, and not our time, talents and resources controlling our passion. Our love for God is absolute when we remain focused and make our life all about Him as we spread the good news of the gospel with a passion that transcends into an urgency for the amount of times we have left on this earth to live.

We must redeem our all for the Master “by being co-workers with God in His great plan of redemption. In him who does this, a transformation of character takes place.” (Ellen G. White Christ’s Object Lessons) and It is only through this transformation, and God’s grace that our lives become centered on the needs of the Master in finishing up His work here on earth.

There is nothing in us, or of ourselves by which we can GIVE OUR ALL TO GOD if we do not realize our helplessness and our need of God’s Holy Spirit to guide us to do so. We should never begin our day without committing OUR ALL WITH A PASSION to God.

Satin is at his best when he can utilize our life for his agenda. First of all we must refuse to waste, squander, or misusepraise you God- i give it all to You what God has given us to be used for the finishing up of his work here on earth. Any wasted moments or resource is selfishness on our part and a transgression of God’s precepts that says to have no other god’s before him.

Meaning, when we don’t give OUR ALL TO CHRIST we honor the god of this world by given him what is due only to our savior, as we squander what God has given us on things not eternal. My friends we were bought with a high price and our only purpose should be to serve Christ.

Matthew 6:24 (KJV) tells us “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other……” John Maxwell summarized for us this powerful lesson on given it all to God when he writes: “Giving is the highest level of living.”

“Perhaps you have instead heard it said that “to live is to give.” If this is true, and Christ made painfully clear He believes it is, what does it say about the extent to which you or I are really living and using our time? Our mission as Christians is “to love God absolutely and love others sacrificially.” Isn’t that what Christ epitomized upon the cross?”

My friends as a child of God our commitment to God must go beyond our tithe and a yearly donation to the Red Cross, OUR COMMITMENT TO GOD MUST BE OUR ALL, simply put, because he gave His all for our Salvation and the choice to live throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity with Him one day.

imagesAs His chosen generation we must fall on our knees today with heartfelt supplications as we unite with God and His Spirit as we devised a systematic plan in a joint effort together on how we will get from this earth to His kingdom. But before you fall on your knees think about what you are asking and what you are about to give up and the sacrifice you are about to commit to and what our Savior may ask from you.

Remember the rich young ruler before you do anything and Christ words to him “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Matt. 19:21 (KJV) Are you Ready for God’s response to your prayer because it will be TO GIVE YOUR ALL TO HIM. So think hard but not long my friend’s on what you are about to ask, time is running out for all of us.


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY


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