July 19, 2014


olympic-torch-relay-visiting-surrey-bm3As Christians we sometimes try and live in our own strength as we  rationalize within our minds why we can not be TORCH BEARERS for the kingdom of God. So with that attitude, Satan now has rendered us powerless, and weak. But today our Savior needs you to reevaluate your commitment and proclaim His name to the world while grace still abounds.

If you are a Child of God you have realized by now that Satan has taken the world by storm and most are not prepared for the god of this world tactics of chaos and destruction as he recruits a team of false prophets who are claiming to be in the inner circle of Christ and just by their unique charismatic persona they are telling there followers to pay, follow me and a ecstatic religious experience will occur and your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

And then you have the Islamist militants who are waging ideological wars as they issue ultimatums to the Christians: accept Islam, pay extra taxes to Islamic Sharia courts, or face “death by the sword.” Today It is all about one’s wealth, politics and doctrine of self, not about “Thus saith the Lord.” This is why God needs TORCH BEARERS to tell the world in God’s eyes “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for [we] are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 (ESV)

God is asking His chosen today to stand like Paul and say, “I’m not ASHAMED of the gospel of Christ.” Remember our Torch-Bearer-Craq-300Savior gave it all up to die as a common criminal so that all the world not just a few would understand the gospel of salvation that we so love and cherish today in our various churches.

But this message of God’s kingdom and His soon return must become a passion from within and through His word and Spirit [should be] like a man who is a dealer in search of fine and precious pearls, Who, on finding a single pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it. Matt. 13:45-46 (AMP)

As God’s chosen, we cannot hide the treasures of God that has been given to us, we must be TORCH BEARERS and tell the world that “Christ Himself is the pearl of great price. In Him is gathered all the glory of the Father, the fullness of the Godhead. He is the brightness of the Father’s glory and the express image of His person. The glory of the attributes of God is expressed in His character.

Every page of the Holy Scriptures shines with His light. The righteousness of Christ, as a pure, white pearl, has no defect, no stain. No work of man can improve the great and precious gift of God. It is without a flaw. In Christ are “hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3. He is “made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30.

All that can satisfy the needs and longings of the human soul, for this world and for the world to come, is found in Christ. Our Redeemer is the pearl so precious that in comparison all things else may be accounted loss.” (E. G. White Christ’s Object Lessons, chapter 9, page 115)

imagesWe put the cross of gold around our necks, but at what cost have we paid for that privilege. Remember that same cross represent our Savior’s path and crucifixion on Calvary, along with the persecution of thousands of Christian martyr’s who were killed by stoning, crucifixion, burning at the stake, eaten by lions in a arena for public amusement, and other forms of torture and capital punishment that man through the influence of the forces of evil could come up with.

So what has been your sacrifice for the Master and what cross have you carried lately in the name of Christ  or who have you told of the good news of the gospel in a world where Satan has taken most by storm which leaves many without hope. My friends there is plenty of work to be done if your desire is to be a TORCH BEARER for Christ but also remember “many are called, but few are chosen” Matt 22:14(KJV)


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY


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