June 4, 2015


On the day of Pentecost where suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, as it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And there 14qRrKoQ2N2eOrDgoSMfcgeOS9Uappeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on the whole assemble.

Acts is a history of the early church and the spread of Christianity among the Gentiles during this time period after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the struggles that the early churches encountered, and just like today, the Harvest was plentiful but the workers were few, as the call went out for his disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.”

And once this happened, The love, grace and mercy of Christ was carried to the remotest parts of the empire and in a few generations Christianity had invaded nearly every level of society. The Apostle Paul, one of the main characters of Acts, we can all say with no reservations, has set the bar for discipleship, carrying your cross and witnessing to a level that very few are willing to go there.

And the reason is, simply, the world and if you are included in the world are just not willing to “Set all of one’s affection on things above, but on things of this earth.[that will eventually acts-of-the-apostlesfade away]” Col 3:2 (NKJV) But I need you to ask yourself today, do I have this same passion towards discipleship, carrying your cross and witnessing as Paul?

And if the answer is no, then ask yourself in the presence of God why not? Because you know of Christ righteousness, you know of His love, grace and mercy, you know He died on Calvary for each of our sins and the sins of all the world, you know the prophecy of Matt. 24, and that it is being played out each day.

And you also know, that we are moving closer and closer to when God will say to his Son, let’s go get my faithful Children. They that are unjust, let them be unjust still: and they which are filthy, let them be filthy still: and they that are righteous, let them be righteous still: and they that are holy, let them be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man and woman, according as his work shall be. Rev. 22:11-12 (NKJV)

imgresNothing that has to do with our Salvation or the salvation of others has been hidden from you in God’s word. So where is our Passion for Salvation, and the Salvation of others as we take the good news to a world whose Spiritual compass is pointing toward perdition? Yes this Same Spirit that Luke wrote about in Acts, 21 centuries later, we can receive this same power.

In addition, God has chosen us to finish His work and it can only be done if we have the passion of Christ to do it. “The abruptness with which the book of Acts closes is not accidental; it deliberately suggest that the thrilling narrative is unfinished, and that the acts of God through the spirit are to have their sequel throughout the Christian dispensation each successive generation adding a chapter full of beauty and power to the one who preceded it. (E.G. White, Acts of the Apostles pp v)

So today my friends, ask yourself  how am I, that sit each week on my special pew at church, contributing to the continuation of acts “for such a time as this” in the 21st century. This same Spirit, this same rushing,  violent tempest blast that set one’s tongue on fire is still available, it still seeks after, and lones for a few good men and woman.


So friends stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY



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