March 3, 2015


rope-a-dope“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:7-8 (KJV)

My friends what is our responsibility as God’s chosen? October 30 1974, one of the greatest fights in the history of boxing took place in Kinshasa Zaire, “The Rumble in the Jungle.” It pitted a 28 year old Foreman who seemed an overwhelming favorite against the 32-year old Ali.

After being stripped of his license and title in 1967 Ali once again was given a chance to fight for the world championship. Ali had told everyone that he had a secret plan for Foreman. A plan strategy Ali later dubbed the rope-a-dope.

As a result, Foreman spent his energy throughout the fight throwing punches that either did not hit Ali or were deflected in a way that made it tumblr_m3tg1xmU0z1qm9rypo1_1280-300x254difficult for Foreman to hit Ali at all. As the fight drew into the eighth round, Foreman’s punching and defense became ineffective as the strain of throwing so many wild shots took its toll.

The fight showed that Ali was capable of taking a punch and highlighted his tactical genius, as Foreman struck Ali with hundreds of thunderous blows, to no effect. No one, least of all Foreman, anticipated that Ali would do what he did, which was to demonstrate so passionately his burning belief in his own ability to meet and master any other man on any terms.

Six thousand years ago Satan thought he had stripped Christ of all rights to call this world His domain saying in his heart ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God… I will be like the Most High. Isa. 14:13,14 (KJV)

But God told us all, He had a plan for man’s salvation, and the victory would be won, not in Kinshasa Zaire, but on a site called Calvary. And no matter how many thunderous blows Satan would throw, they would be of no effect.

jesus-picture-carrying-cross-the-passion-of-christ-movieMy friends we all know God’s tactical plan that His only begotten Son would die on our behalf  and “who so ever would believe in Him would not parish but have life everlasting” John 3:16 (KJV)

In addition, God’s word gives us a step by step account on how it was fought and won and now, what is our responsibility? As Christ was dying on the cross He “saw how deep is the hold of sin upon the human heart,[and] how few would be willing to break from its power.

He knew that without help from God, humanity must perish, and He saw multitudes perishing within reach of abundant help.“(E.G, White) My friends let’s focus today on, “He saw multitudes perishing within reach of abundant help”

Once again I ask the question to all who feel they are a part of God’s chosen, do you have the passion to serve? Somewhere deep down inside, does imagesGod’s spirit continued to let you know that “multitudes are perishing within reach of abundant help” as we fall on our knees in heartfelt prayer and ask for forgiveness for all of Gods precious time we have wasted as we cry out in repentance, Dear God “not my will but, thy will be done”?

My friends, it must become personal, you must have a passion to serve, knowing what sacrifice was made for you, We must never forget that Christ is the victor and He now reigns in the heavenly courts above, advocating on our behalf.

In addition, there are still “multitudes that are perishing within reach of abundant help” and it is up to us as a body of believers who know’s God’s plan and  who have been given the awesome responsibility through God’s power to go and be “witnesses, as we tell the multitudes “in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” That Jesus saves.


So friends stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY



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