Feb. 8, 2014


But recall the former days when, after you were enlightened, you ENDURED a hard struggle with sufferings………since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one? Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of ENDURANCE, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay” Heb 10:32-37

440765598_640My friends when I am on top of the mountain I will praise the Lord. When I am in the valley I praise the Lord, because “I can only imagine, when that day comes, when I find myself standing in the Son! I can only imagine, when all I will do, is forever worship You! Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? Will I stand in Your PRESENCE, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing ‘Hallelujah!’? Will I be able to speak at all I CAN ONLY IMAGINE!”

That is why I am not afraid of  THE DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS THAT GOD HAS STARTED IN ME, because I CAN ONLY IMAGINE. But as God’s chosen generation why do most of us test God, while SEEKING A SIGN.

“You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the SIGNS 20120709-194005OF THE TIMES. A wicked and adulterous generation SEEKS AFTER A SIGN,” My friends your sufferings and hardship should be all the signs you need because His promises to each of us are promises of GRACE, HOPE, and LOVE for all who desire to Live with GOD one day.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6 that promise was not CONDITIONAL on whether you live a good life, or if it, RAINED or SNOWED when you were expecting sunshine.

My friends the road to SALVATION is not open for DEBATE, that is why it is a very narrow road, and only a few will find it. Conditions are tough, because it requires carrying your own cross and becoming a disciple of CHRIST. Matt. 16:24

“The Romans forced convicted criminals to carry their own crosses to the place crucified with Christ sunsetof crucifixion, WHILE FACING RIDICULE ALONG THE WAY TO DEATH.” And today, that ridicule my friends are the trials and tribulation of this life that God places in our life for our DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS for our JOURNEY to the kingdom.

But none of this will be possible if we have not allowed God’s Spirit to transform us into the Character of Christ, as we allow self to die daily “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20

“TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM” while COMPLETELY “DYING TO SELF.” My friends the Choice is not a difficult choice to make. Soon God will say IT IS FINISHED So “…..What good is it for a man or woman to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his soul?”

“All true obedience my friends must have a PASSION from within that our Savior “will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out urlour own impulses. The will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest delight in doing HIS SERVICE. When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a life of continual obedience. Through an appreciation of the CHARACTER of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become HATEFUL TO US. (E.G.White)

My friends remember “No weapon formed against you shall prosper,” because  God will never “leave or forsake” His TRUE and FAITHFUL WARRIORS. That is why we must never give up until THE DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS is over, and we are VICTORIOUS while remaining FOCUSED on our example “JESUS CHRIST, the AUTHOR, and FINISHER of our FAITH, who for the joy that was set before Him ENDURED THE CROSS.” Heb 12:2 SO MY FRIENDS ARE YOU READY!!!


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




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