As we move closer and closer to Christ soon return. Satan continues to try and weaken our SPIRITUAL IMMUNE SYSTEM which Christ has placed within us to detect good from evil and the propensity to read or hear that unknown voice and then revealed heardetermine a proposed course of action through Christ, that determines whether that voice is divine, or satanic.

My friends, today lets allow God’s Spirit to direct our thought’s, as we focus on our life and where we came from and where we are going if we are a child of God for each of us have traveled different roads to get to where we are today, but by the grace of God as we close the final chapters of this life, our ending will all be the same, ETERNAL LIFE through our faith, and Gods free gift, Salvation.

So let’s tell ourselves today God knows my story, because I know how far his hands reached to pull me from Satan’s influence and today we must say with no reservation that our tears are real, our pain and hurt is real, our scares are real and our trials and tribulation are real.

That is why our road to salvation and eternal life must become real also and nothing, or anyone should cause us to deviate from screen-shot-2012-04-14-at-7-38-42-pmthe course set before us by Christ, no matter how difficult the struggle, or how pleasing the voice my seem that says try it, you will like it.

And today tell yourself, my God has done what seemed like the impossible, and performed many miracles in my life, and cast out demons, and fought battles, and healed my broken heart, and cured my diseases, and protected me, and watched my back in places that even today we say to ourselves, did I really go there, did I really do that.

I remember as if it was yesterday, getting this brand new bike for Christmas and riding it down a hill as fast as I had ever been before in my life. Oh the thrill and ecstasy of going to a place I had never been before, but suddenly I was propelled off the road into a tree that would not move.

I was badly scratched and bleeding, and  my new bike was twisted and bent beyond recognition from the impact of hitting that tree. But up until that point as I was traveling on the way down I was unwilling to think about where this new found joy was taking me.

imagesI was just not willing to give up this new found ecstasy and listen to that voice, that I am sure told me at the time don’t go there. I learned, however, that the loss of something dear to me was more painful than those few seconds of pleasure. but by the grace of God, I was a survivor.

A lesson I have continually had to relive and relearn in so many other situations and circumstances throughout my life. For if you are one of God’s Children we all must negotiate around the ecstasy of sin that Satan places before us each day we live on this earth.

In addition, we must continually give up parts of ourselves because the thrill of perdition seems more pleasing then to slow Down and allow the transforming of God’s character to take effect. My friends we see, we watch, we hear, as sin abounds, oh but the ecstasy of sin the thrill of it all, even though we realize any day now God will say it ends today, as He tells His Son who sits at His right side.

Let’s go get My Children and he or she that is unjust, let them be unjust still: and he or she which is filthy, let them be filthy still: and he or she that is righteous, let them be righteous still: and he or she that is holy, let them be holy still. For eternity awaits the righteous MY FRIENDS ARE YOU GETTING READY, OR DOES THE THRILL AND ECSTASY OF THIS WORLD SEEM MORE APPEALING?


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY


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