dreamstime_4732909-300x199My friends The Christian experience is a unique journey, we start at imperfection and we go through transformation conviction to an everlasting relationship with God. Our journey has a definable starting point. For Paul it was on the Damascus road, Moses at the burning bush. But we all have our unique experiences as God becomes real in our lives, so it becomes personal because we all experience God differently.

“We are all unique and wonderfully made. He formed us in our mother’s  belly He knew [us]. And before we came forth out of the womb, He sanctified us, and He ordained [us] a prophet [or prophetess] unto [all the world.]” And now my friends, we have dismantled self, and allowed God’s Spirit to rebuild our character within Christ as we maintain that relationship through His word.

But life seemed not so complicated before we allowed Christ to enter our life. Those times when the flesh ran rampant with no limits, or boundaries. Fornication, adultery, lies, stealing, unhealthy eating habits, and the list goes on. How we lived life from day to day was never problematic when we were on that train bound for perdition. But now Satan has refocused his attention back on us.

And that is why it is important that God’s full armor is battle ready and we are never without it, because like Paul, God chose us because He knew weimages29-300x167 were capable of remaining a faithful servant that would endure no matter what situation or circumstances we might find ourselves in. So we must remember “whatever were gains [to us in this world we must] continue, and forever consider as loss for the sake of Christ”

My friends, God never required a job interview or a resume from us when we decided to give Him our all. He had already “searched our heart and knew when we sat down and when we rose up; and He discerned our thoughts from afar.” Ps. 139:1 (NKJV) And He will never terminate His relationship with us when we mess up, because He is our father and Shepherd not an overbearing boss.

And He never looks at our profit and loss, only our Gain as we give Him all the glory and honor each day for what He has done in our lives. “Like a grapevine branch, we are not always producing fruit in our life. That would be unnatural. For a significant portion of a grapevine’s life is nothing but a dry, twisted stick, fruitless with no benefit to anyone.

It is even useless for shade, worthless as timber, to all appearances it is only fit to be ripped from the ground, thrown in a heap and burned.” “Yet imgresthose barren times are as vital in the life of the vine, as the season itself” (Grantley Morris) “Because God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, we are made alive together with Christ.”

And through His mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is His faithfulness. Lam. 3:22-24 (NKJV) My friends, the forces of evil looks back over our life and accuses each of God’s chosen of all of our mistakes and tells us we have gone to far in sin, to be saved.

But not with Christ for He starts at Calvary, and takes us through the trials and tribulation of this life, and places us in His loving wings, all the way to his soon appearing when He will say to His Children “my grace was sufficient” because it was always personal so “Well done” my child.





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