June 11, 2014


sleep3Have you ever had a dream you awake before it ends and for once you remember what your dream was about, you tell yourself if I could just go back to sleep and finish THAT PERFECT DREAM  but that is usually next to impossible.

William Mcdowell sings a song that says “I’ve been changed In the presence of the lord, and I have waited for this moment right here I have waited all my life for it to come and I won’t let it pass me by. So I won’t go back, can’t go back, to the way it used to be before your presence came and changed me.”

However, the big picture of where I need you to focus at today comes from our savior Himself when He tells us “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jer. 29:11 (NKJV)

That text tells me this journey that Christ has placed each of us on goes back farther iStock_000006267207XSmallthen we could ever imagine. In fact the plan for our life was determined on Calvary over 2000 years ago. Even before this wretched sinful life we lived and before we allowed His Spirit to transform our character Christ had made a peculiar set of plans that are unique only to each of our character traits.

Remember He knows the number of hairs on each of our heads,” and without counting because He is  Omniscience; all knowing. Webster defines Omniscience as “the quality of knowing all things at once; universal knowledge; knowledge unbounded or infinite.” There is nothing he does not know about us and like our own Children who we have trained while at home, we know them, their ways and habits.

But once they leave home and start their own life and family we sometimes loose our “universal knowledge” about them and our values are not always there values, and you ask yourself where is my child that I raised? But what about when we leave God’s presence like the Prodigal son or Daughter and seek other gods.

d6dbca4511381d0f0efca1744c141520.500x394x1He still knows our desires and feelings our words before we speak our thoughts before we think, “He knows our way [that at times seems right to His Children], But its end [is a course that will lead to perdition and death] Prov. 14:12 (NKJV) My friends How far back would you like to go and what would you find.

Today if we seek God’s kingdom we can only back step to the point where Christ first came into our life because anything else would be futile and incapable of producing any real results towards our Salvation and the plans God has laid out for our lives from infancy.

 A story is told in an article in a Readers Digest magazines about a couple, Soon after their sixth anniversary, the couple’s home burned to the ground. The wife’s first act, when they were allowed to hunt through the blackened remains, was to search for their photo albums. When she went to tell her husband that the pictures had indeed survived, she found him carefully placing in a box some charred, folded pieces of paper their courtship love letters.

“As I watched my husband kneeling there in the ashes,” she says, “I was overcome with the certainty that we were meantjesus-and-me for each other. There, in the face of our greatest tragedy, our first thoughts were not of our material loss but of the potential loss of these precious parts of our life together. As I knelt to help I was certain that we hadn’t lost anything that mattered after all.”

My friends whatever our life was about before Christ entered it does not matter because we have not lost anything that mattered because anything before that only lead to death and destruction. But what we found in its place was a God who loved us so much that He allowed His “Only Begotten Son” to be  sacrificed so that everyone who believes may receive life eternal. “So I won’t go back, I can’t go back, to the way it used to be before My Savior’s presence came and changed me.”

So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY


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