June 9, 2015


images35“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 (ESV)

A blood transfusion to a sinner is done if our body can’t create blood properly because of the rapid growth of Sin. So if we seek salvation, a transfusion must take place. In addition, a lifesaving transfusion cannot come from just anybody’s blood, it has to be the pure and holy blood of Jesus Christ that never looses it’s power.

Because it is the “blood that Jesus shed for [you and] me, way back on Calvary; Yes my friends, His blood is what gives us strength from day to day,” and once we allow Christ to become our blood donor,  His power through His Spirit becomes our power and through this power our strength is renewed day after day as we allow Christ blood to Penetrate every fiber of our being.

As we look back, when we first allowed the guiding hand of the Master to take full control, when a transfusion first took place and we had begin to take on the character of Christ, butpitb somehow we allowed our focus to be distracted on things below and not on heavenly things.

So the mire and dirt of the world accumulated and contaminated what was becoming perfectly good character traits in our life, but now we have moved away from the presence of God and our heart and thought patterns has become corrupt, and we need once again the purifying power of God’s Word and “The blood of Jesus Christ that cleanest us from all sin [and unrighteousness.] 1 John 1:7 (KJV)

We must now find once again that “stream that flows steady from Calvary, a crimson tide so deep and wide. It washes whiter than the purest snow and if we keep our eyes stayed on Christ as we continue to allow Him to transform our heart and Character like His, we will one day soon have the blessing of seeing Christ face to face to thank Him personally for what he has done for us on Calvary that allowed this process to take place that saved our soul.

51IMgSEH0nL._SL500_AA280_Blessed are those who wash their robes, in the pure blood of Christ which then gives us the right to the tree of life that is only found through the gates into the city that has been prepared for the redeemed .But this will only occur if we continue to have a close and personal relationship with God which then gives us total access to the abiding love grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

And that only comes through the continuous Studying of His Word, while allowing a full and complete transfusion that brings about a transformation from self to that of Christ. His Word must be a part of every thought, activity, conversation, and motive, of our life as our lifestyle begins to magnify Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Any other attempts to do otherwise will only amount to failure. It can never be about us when Christ takes full control. So now with the blood of Christ running continuous through our veins, we can now become blood donors for the Master, as we tell the world about this saving blood that gives hope, and salvation to all who believes, and it will never lose its power.


So friends stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




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