Sep 17, 2015


AMAZING-GRACE1Our God saw that in 2015 “Amazing Grace would always be our song of praise. For it was grace, that brought us liberty and we shall forever lift our eyes to Calvary, to view the cross, where Jesus died for you and me. How marvelous, His grace that caught our falling soul as “He looked beyond our faults and saw our need.”

A story is told; one night a house caught fire and a young boy was forced to flee to the roof. The father stood on the ground below with outstretched arms, calling to his son, “Jump! I’ll catch you.”

He knew the boy had to jump in order to save his life. All the boy could see, however, was flames, smoke, and blackness. He was afraid to leave the roof. His father kept yelling: “Jump! I will catch you.” “Daddy, I can’t see you, he cries out.”

The father replied, “But I can see you.” And my friends, that’s all that matters. And so he jumped to safety. On this Journey to the promise land most of the time we are traveling in blind imagefaith, all we see is flames, smoke, and blackness along with every other obstacle and trap that the god of this world has provided in our life to discourage us from continuing.

But all that matters is our Father sees us. His focus on us never wavers. I can remember when my son was no more than eight or nine years old, he’s thirty six now and even though he had some physical and health issues I still tried to teach him how to walk to school on his own.

So the journey begins. After walking with him several times, I finally decided, along with a hesitant mother to let him make the journey on his own or so he thought. Every tree along the way I hid behind as he walked thinking I’m a big boy now. he was never out of my sight, not even for a moment until I could see him safely walk into that school.  And if we are faithful and endure, Christ never loses sight of where on this journey we are at, even when the flames, smoke, and blackness of this world are all around us.

In addition, He will continue to watch over us until we can enter that place “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man and here his voice, enter, well done my faithful servant.”

Let’s now make it personal as we focus and look throughout our hectic schedule today, whether we are in a office or driving a tractor on a farm or a forklift in a factory, we all spend our days in very unique, unusual and chaotic ways.

Each day only brings a whole new set of issues and problems. And if we are a child of God, there should be no reservation that His focus is always on us. But today and until we can run a0a25-godiswatchingusour fingers across the scars in his hands and brow I need each of us to focus on the movement of Christ and fully understand where he is leading us.

And if we seek his presence with a passion, I can assure you it is not in the direction most of us are going. Because if we are seeking him with a passion, we have also allowed self to die while denying everything in this world that the god of this world has told us we cannot do without.

In addition, we are also carrying our very personal and unique cross that Christ has custom made for each of our unique characters and daily, not just when it is convenient, we are following Christ wherever He leads. My friends, your decision. your salvation.


My Friends, where there is no vision, the people perish…..Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)


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