Sep.1, 2015


girl-praying-over-Bible-300x198God gives us a warning “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” But Studying God’s word and seeking His presence cannot compete with the entertainment and excitement Satan provides on our TV’s, Video games, internet and at our theaters.

Changing a culture in the 21st century keeps one on their knees for answers. But my friends, we must remember, 40 years, the Israelite’s roamed the wilderness, with no specific destination in sight simply because they never felt a real passion to understand the God who parted the red sea so they could cross over without ever having to look back at where they had come from.

But 400 years in Egypt, the vision of the promise land was not handed down from generation to generation and because of a lack of knowledge they became content being slaves, therefore the promise land was not a priority.

My friends have we become content at being a slave to the god of this world and the entertainment he provides to God’s children who have lost their focus on things above? As wickedness 01-300x270increases and the love of most draws cold, as members of God’s body of believers, have we allowed our focus to be on materialism, consumerism, and I’ve got to have the latest simply because it is the latest, instead of our focus being on Jesus Christ and His word?

Has our passion to cross over into the promise land and live throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity in the presence of God cease being a priority in our lives? And have we become content at being slaves for Satan and all he has to offer on the road to perdition?

My friends, we must realize as Christians our stay on this earth is temporary. Time is precious and how we spend and use it for God’s glory and honor is of vital importance to our spending eternity with Christ.

God in His wise foresight teaches us how we should be discerning and perceptive about the proper use of our time. Paul tells us in 2 Tim 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

So my friends, our focus must be on spending each precious moment we have left on this earth searching the scriptures to capture the mind and character of Christ that is in His word as we allow His Spirit total access to our life in order to change our Character into the likeness of our Savior.

poryadok_deastvyIn addition, if we don’t allow that to happen, Satan will always find ways to draw our attention to the things of this world that are detrimental to our salvation, therefore self will never completely die so that Christ can take full control and we never fully conquer ungodly ambitions and our love for what the world has to offer.

Consistent with this, we are never willing to carry our cross and serve Christ and become one of His disciple. Therefore we are only willing to get to the threshold of the promise land, but never willing to do what it takes to cross over.

As Heirs to Gods kingdom a passion must burn from within for our salvation. And when we realize the price that was paid for it, as heirs to the kingdom of God, we must never keep it hidden but spread the good news and tell everyone of the soon coming of Christ and what is prepared for all who believe and endure.


My Friends, where there is no vision, the people perish…..Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)



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