June 8, 2014


“WHEN YOU SEEK ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART, I WILL BE FOUND BY YOU” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 29:11-14  

MY FRIENDS, “THE BATTLE IS WON ON OUR KNEES,” “CONSISTENT WITH THIS, WHEN WE SEEK GOD WITH ALL OF prayerOUR HEART, I WILL BE FOUND BY YOU” I can make this statement with full assurance because my God “He sees the master plan the finish product after He has molded us into His likeness.

In addition, that is why He holds the future of each of our lives in His hands. “So don’t live as those who have no hope;” “because our hope is found in Jesus Christ, but we must first believe that there is “no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 (NIV)

As a Child of the King the present is as far as we can see no mater how many plans we make for our future, life constantly changes sometimes for, sometimes against us. But God is different because He is God He sees the future and the direction we are going and where we will end up if His Spirit is not guiding our foot steps.

“Like a tapestry, He’s constantly weaving our character to someday be like His So that we can be “safe to save” and live black-church-mother-daughter-praying1with Him throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. Remember “THE BATTLE IS WON ON OUR KNEES, God does not play “hide and seek” with our Salvation “WHEN WE SEEK GOD WITH ALL OF OUR HEART, I WILL BE FOUND BY YOU”

He knows His Sheep when they call because He knows we “are dependent upon Him not only for temporal blessings, but for grace and strength to keep us from falling under the power of temptation. We daily need the Bread of Life to give us spiritual strength and vigor, just as much as we need food to sustain our physical strength and give us firm muscles.

We are compassed with weakness and infirmities, doubts and temptations; but we can come to Jesus in our need, and He will not turn us away empty. He invites, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” This is no doubtful, uncertain promise, but a positive one.” (Prevailing Prayer Ellen G. White) “

Christ as man, above all others, “seems to be least comforted by God, at His greatest need Jesus pleaded three times for God to “Take this cup from me ” but as our example Christ Humanity did not allow Him to see pass the Grave, but “our father which art in heaven” did, Christ faith like ours had to be stretched to the limit.

In addition, the rejection, Spit upon, , the slaps, beatings, nails, crown of thorns must be felt as we would feel. Christ has asked us to also take up that Cross, but  it must become a passion we seek daily because once we accept, THE CUP BECOMES OURS, even if asked to sacrifice our life for the Master. only difference will be Christ took our sins upon himself and those sins will be left at Calvary if we believe. Friends “if our prayers are sometimes granted, beyond all hope and probability, We had better not draw hasty conclusions to our own advantage or power. If we were stronger, we might be less tenderly treated.

If we were braver, we might be sent, with far less help, to defend far more desperate posts in the great battle.” (Philip Yancey, Zondervan, p. 208.) Between good and evil. Like a child our Savior knows how to guide our growth. So stay on your KNEES THAT IS WHERE “THE BATTLE IS WON, CONSISTENT WITH THIS, “WHEN WE SEEK GOD WITH ALL OF OUR HEART, I WILL BE FOUND BY YOU”


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




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