May 13, 2016


postmodernismMy friends, there is a rise in thinking in today’s society called Postmodernism. It claims there are no moral absolutes, that truth is whatever you believe it to be. Live and let live. The problem is, they try and combine a little truth, with a little error “it rejects absolute moral truth” which tells us there is evil and good in our world. And The Bible is totally accurate in all of its promises and precepts.

And Satan is not symbolic but a real being or force of evil who was banished from heaven because of his desire to be like the Most High. And that a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by being good or doing good works. And Christians do have a responsibility to share their faith with the world. In addition, Jesus did not sin while on this earth, which He then becomes our example. But Postmodernist believe, what is right or wrong is relative to the situation and not to what is in God’s word.

If I am married and want to have an affair, the situation dictates weather it is right or wrong not the fact that God says “thou should not commitCommandments_redacted adultery” so in reality, we can use this same way of thinking for all ten of God’s precepts “whatever feels good mentality” not spiritually and there is no limitation on the choices we make because those choices are all about self.

So now there is no absolute truth. No thus says the Lord. Only spiritual confusion. So How can we ever be willing to take up our cross for Christ whose ideas are absolute and never changes. He “is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Heb. 13:8 (NIV) So now Satan mixes a little truth with a little error because, Postmodernist are still willing to help the needed, visit the sick, feed the hungry and give donation for world peace and animal rights.

But,“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.” Then Christ says; I was hungry and you gave Me food;….thirsty and you gave Me drink.

i-was-hungry-sign-2I was a stranger and you took Me in;…naked and you clothed Me;…sick and you visited Me;…in prison and you came to Me. But the righteous ask, ‘Lord, when did You see me do all of these things. Then Christ says “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” Matt. 25:31-46 (NLJV)

It’s now personal, because we have to look within ourselves and say, if I have done all of this, what could possibly keep me out of God’s kingdom. My friends it is all about our relationship with Christ. Christ says if you love me, Love meaning that Agape love which is that kind of love Jesus Christ has for his Father and for you and I.

Which is, Selfless, Sacrificial and unconditional. Christ tells us if you love me you will keep my commandments unconditionally and be willing to Sacrifice everything even our lives for His ministry and this can only be done if self is completely destroyed and we now live our life through the life of Christ and his will for us.


Every excuse we may give as the reason we cannot serve Christ, was challenged and answered at Calvary.








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