Nov. 4 2015


BCLC Environmental InnovationLet’s go inside a board room today, a special meeting has been called. The CEO, and god of this world, Satan himself, and all of his forces of evil are in attendance. With only one item on the agenda you and I. One of God’s chosen, a child of the King, an elect in the army on the other side of the conflict, God’s army.

One of the forces of evil starts the meeting with a power point presentation. He shows that his regiment of forces have tried everything to get us to change our allegiance in this great controversy.

We have tempted them in every area, but with no success. Satan stands, cohorts I need some suggestions even if we can’t recruit him into our army, how can we render him, or her inoperable so they will be useless to Christ.

We surely do not want them on the front line of the battle field, the Spirit of God is much two powerful for us there, time is short, we need a workable plan. A hand is raised from the back,Temptation-265x300 one who has been following us from birth.

Satan, why don’t we try your original tactic which still has them falling even after six thousand years and that is your trump card, appetite, and just add wasting time. Surely there is one or two TV shows or a friend we can lure into our web to keep them gossiping on the phone.

By definition, a trump card is “a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage.” So how does God’s chosen conquer the temptation of over indulgence of, or eating unhealthy foods, and the wasting of God’s time?

Satan’s two main trump cards, appetite, because once most of us have conquered appetite, we will then have the moral power through God’s Spirit to finish this journey that God has placed us on.

Hourglass Sand Timer Beach SunriseMy friends, if we do not recognize Satan’s plan two overtake us in the area of appetite and wasted time then we certainly will loose the victory over other temptations and sins that Satan attack us on. Remember friends, those who remain slaves to appetite and wasted time will forever fail in perfecting Christian character that prepares us for God’s kingdom.

In addition, the closer we move to Christ second coming, Satan’s temptations become more powerful and more difficult to overcome. But Satan can only attack our weaknesses and infirmities when we allow the affairs of this world to outweigh our relationship with God and the amount of time we spend each day in studying His word and doing His will.

Remember Christ was also tempted in appetite, But His words to Satan are one’s all of God’s chosen must use in our war on appetite “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word victhat proceedeth out of the mouth of God (and not just the words we deem appropriate for our lifestyle) but every word of God.”

And Paul tells us about our time “Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17

So let’s all be “conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,” Can make us fall at the threshold of the New Jerusalem if we have faith and endure to the end.


Every excuse we may give as the reason we cannot serve Christ, was challenged and answered at Calvary.



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