July 11, 2017


As a Child of God in today’s society, achieving total commitment and Victory through Christ sometimes seems impossible. There are so many distractions that draw our attention away from what is vital to our Salvation. Even watching the News, becomes so mind boggling, that we transfix our imagesattention on the events of the day and lose all concentration on our goal, life eternal. So let’s make it personal and focus on where God’s Spirit is leading and understand, “in all our ways [we must acknowledge who God is], and He shall direct our paths” Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)

In all our ways we must also acknowledge what God’s love means to us and how do we respond to a love that is selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional. As prophecy unfolds, we must understand we have no time to “hesitate between two opinions?” If the Lord is our God, [we must give Him our all as we take up our cross and follow wherever Christ may lead. But if we chose to follow Satan and the rulers of the darkness of this world, to be our god then that is also our choice] ” 1 Kings 18:21 (KJV)

When the billionaire Howard Hughes died, his company’s public relations director asked the casinos in Las Vegas, where Hughes owned multiple casinos, to show him respect by giving him a minute of silence. For an uncomfortable sixty seconds, the casinos fell eerily silent. Then a pit boss looked at his watch, leaned forward, and whispered, “Okay, roll the dice. He’s had his minute.”  (Howard Hughes: The Hidden Years)

My friends, what about you and I, is a minute all we have for Christ. Maybe we rush into church, honor the congregation with our presence, wave our hands thback and forth as the praise team sings, give a few a-mans as the pastor speaks. As the Spirit begins to move all around us we are moved, so we walk down the aisle for the altar call as the pastor prays. We leave, slap a few hands, and acknowledge we done had church today.

Is that all we have to give God each week. Or is every waken moment of our life dedicated to God as we humble ourselves with a sense of our own weakness, as we give Christ the honor and glory for the awesome privileges that He has given us to live our life through Him and for Him. My friends, our lives must be all about God’s will for us.

th“Myself, my feelings, my knowledge, my ways.” can no longer exist if we have a passion to hear Christ say ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Remember, our Savior died for our all, and for six thousand years there has been a military struggle over our all. And, like the rich young ruler Christ is asking us for a commitment “of discipleship,” if our desire is to be conquerors through Christ and one day soon receive our just reward life eternal.

If that is our desire His request is only “Follow Me,” because He “will never leave nor forsake you.” But Christ timing for a commitment to “follow Him” has caught most of God’s children at a bad time. “His standard of character for His kingdom is out of touch with what many of His children’s plans are.” So we hesitate between two opinions. But Soon God will say it is finished and our minute will be up.

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