Nov. 8, 2015


Going back home is “a means to reconsider and reconfigure our strategy for living.” It is the element that calls for each of us to change directions. Like the Prodigal Son. (Dallas Willard) iStock_000006267207XSmall-300x200“When he came to his senses, he said, I will go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you…..

So he got up and went back home to his father. Luke 15:17-20 (KJV) The common element we have with sheep is the propensity to get lost and stray away from the path once we leave home.

Which then causes us to wonder aimlessly into self destruction until Satan has us believing there is no way back, we have gone too far into the abyss. Then our hope fades with each day we stay away.

It’s a difficult journey going back home. But we must set our mark on the prize which is life eternal. And then on that day we make it back home, the Father will repeat His words of love toroad us “He who was lost is now found and there is celebration in my household!”

That Is God. That’s the image of God that Jesus Christ gives us as our lives become restored into the image of God. To most, home is a wonderful place where we felt accepted and loved. But now, only a distance memory if sin continues to abound.

In addition, we no longer see the thin line between good, and evil, darkness and light, or the taste of bitter from what is sweet! Is 5:20 (NKJV) Take for instance in Genesis. Jacob running from a predicament that He created from his own self-interest and not God’s.

He leaves home and sets out on a Journey upon finding out his brother Esau wants to kill him. As he falls asleep one night, God reveals himself and assures Jacob of the same blessings that was promised to his ancestry before him.

d6dbca4511381d0f0efca1744c141520.500x394x1-300x236But my friends, it was all about his faith. And many years later when Jacob decided to go back home, he was brought him face to face with God. This must also be our choice as we decide what must we do to be saved and our sincere and heartfelt passion to return to God.

And Jacob wrestles with God all night, that my friends was passion and a desire to seek God’s face as he told God “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” These words, was Jacob’s way of asking for forgiveness, and God’s continued blessings.

And we like Jacob, must hold on with a passion, until we hear God’s voice. But remember, sometimes that voice becomes hard to hear among the chaos of istock_000004378490smallthis world and the things Satan has placed in our way that causes us to forget our way back. So we must seek God with all our heart and soul.

But we must also “Ask and it will be given to us; we also must seek and we will find where God has been trying to lead us throughout our life; we must also knock and the door of God’s heart will be open.” Matt 7:7 (KJV)

And then one day soon there “will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of our God.” And like Jacob we can say, “I saw God face to face and my life was spared.” That my friends is the way to find our way back home. Oh what a wonderful God we serve.


My Friends, where there is no vision, the people perish…..Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)


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