March 6, 2015


EsthermadequeenToday we go to the book of Esther and see the love, grace and protection for God’s chosen as we witness in His word  the awesome workings and power of God to put into place what is needed to save His chosen in all generation including our own.

The story begins when the king of Persia and Media, Ahasuerus has a banquet in his honor. He then sends for Vashti, his queen to join him, Well she was having her own feast for the ladies of the Royal palace, so she ignores his request.

The king is not pleased with her response so he dethrones Queen Vashti and a decree is sent out in search of a new queen and Esther a Jewish virgin is chosen to replace her. So now you have one of God’s chosen inside the Royal court.

My friends, God always watches over his chosen for “our steps have been ordered by the 17003002-C99-Esther-3-2-Mordecai-bowed-notLord: and he delighteth in [our] way.” Ps.37:23 (KJV) in all situations and circumstances of our life, but my friends it must be all about Him as we give Him all the praise and honor in all we do.

The King later promotes someone named Haman as prime minister. He becomes upset when everyone gives him homage as he walks throughout the gates of the palace except Esther’s uncle Mordecai but my friends Mordecai knows there is only one we give homage too and that is God.

Haman inquires about this man who does not bow to him. Upon finding out he is a Jew, he then devises a plot to get the king to sign a decree to have all the Jews annihilated on a certain day, not realizing there is a God who made the heavens and the earth who is called Jehovah and these are His chosen he wants to destroy.

4645207_f260Mordecai sends a message to Esther. Go before the King and intercede on her people’s behalf. Esther sends back word to her uncle; if the King does not call for her and she goes before him unannounced he could have her killed.

Mordecai sends back a powerful message to Esther “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-14 (NKJV)

My friends, if you are God’s chosen; don’t think because you are a good Elder, or deacon, or deaconess in your church and pay your tithe each week, if you remain silent during these last days, you will escape the justice of God for not spreading the good news, that He saves and He will return soon.

God’s word will get to his people so “if [we His chosen] become silent, the stones will cry out!” But God is asking us to heed His call, “who knows my friends, whether we have woman-on-knees-in-prayercome into this world for such a time as this? and like Esther we must understand the source and power that lead Mordecai  “would not leave or forsake His faithful” if we believe.

Fast and pray for what she knew had to be done was Esther’s request. “I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” My friends I have taken you up to Esther  4.

Please continue to read this beautiful story which far exceeds anything you could ever watch on TV. But like the story of our lives there can and will be a happy ending, but we must first endure while self is completely eliminated on our journey to the promise land as we step out on faith like Esther and give it all to the Master.


So friends stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY


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