ChristWalkingWaterTIDE: the periodic rise and fall of the waters of the ocean, produced by the attraction of the moon and sun, or SON as in my only BEGOTTEN SON or the SON OF THE LIVING GOD and what “A RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS” means to us personally and the Awe of being in the presence of the SON OF GOD and how that will LIFT us to places I don’t believe we have the words to explain.

So today let’s focus as we allow the SON OF GOD to LIFT us to an overwhelming feeling of being in His Presence, a feeling that tells us this is what I must feel and where I must take my life every moment of my life if I truly seek the kingdom of God and to have such a feeling we must begin to un-clutter or THROW OFF EVERYTHING THAT HINDERS and the sin that so easily entangles.

And let us run with perseverance THE RACE MARKED OUT FOR US, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and PERFECTER OF FAITH. For the joy set before Him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. CONSIDER HIM WHO ENDURED such opposition from sinners, SO THAT YOU WILL NOT GROW WEARY AND LOSE HEART.” Heb. 12:1-3(NKJV)

THE RACE MARKED OUT FOR US That is where I need you to focus today and then look at your life, look back maybe atimgres a death of a love one or an illness that has taken you places you did not know you would ever go or a pregnant teenage daughter or a son on drugs or in jail, or maybe just a Child or family member who has no desire to know the same God you know and the list goes on.

Now that you have made it personal tell yourself this is THE RACE OR JOURNEY MARKED OUT FOR ME, SO THAT I WILL NOT GROW WEARY AND LOSE HEART.” “So now it is well with my soul” as I continue until the day of my Saviors appearing and then I will see my Saviors Face and allow Him to wipe the last tears from my eyes with the same hands that were pierced on Calvary so that I could live with Him throughout eternity.

My friends we must continue to allow God to transform us and that change is not retroactive on the fact that you are a good person and visit the sick and feed the homeless each week but it is a process that takes a lifetime and as we allow the SON OF GOD to LIFT us to a level that places us in His presence daily and prepares us for His kingdom.

tumblr_mhvidnSo281rkir5po1_500Consistent with this, we begin to LIFT our family, friends, love one’s neighbors, co-workers, and a world that has lost it spiritual compass. “We are in a race daily either for the kingdom of God or Perdition so if we seek God’s kingdom then we must not forget this is THE RACE, OR JOURNEY MARKED OUT FOR US and the prize is life eternal.

The fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. In a conversation between Alice and the Cheshire Cat, Alice asked, “Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat. “I don’t much care where,” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the cat.

Meanwhile, as a child of God where do you want to go and have you figured out howimgres to get there and do you even care the choice is yours Christ waits. But “IF THE ANGELS COULD PULL BACK THE CURTAIN” and we could see how close the god of this world and all who follow Him are to reaching their cup of indignation and God standing up saying IT IS FINISHED we would all tremble and weep before God in repentance.

My friends soon we want have to say “LORD HOW LONG” because He will be appearing, through the clouds above to come and “give to each according to their works.” But today grace and mercy is still with us. So friends I ask you HOW LONG BEFORE YOU ALLOW HIM TO LIFT YOU.


So my friends today. Stay focused, remain faithful, love one another and endure till the end and never forget to STUDY&PRAY




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